Scouts Others
Camp site: 37,50 DKK person/day 45 DKK person/day
Patrol cabin: 37,50 DKK person/day 45 DKK person/day
Big cabin:

750 DKK per. day +

37,50 DKK person/day

1125 DKK per. day +

45 DKK person/day

Small cabin:

250 DKK per. day +

37,50 DKK person/day

350 DKK per. day +

45 DKK person/day


Large bookings:

Number of participants Price
Participant 1 to 100 100 % of normal price per person
Participant 101-200 75 % of normal price per person
Participant 201-300 50 % of normal price per person
Participant 300- 25 % of normal price per person

Cabins are full price.

Prices cover generel expences (water, electricity, firewoods, pioneering poles etc.)

If you plan on using more materials such as larger amounts of firewood or many pioneering poles, please contact the booking office to get an offer.

Scout & Guide Centre Gurredam | Gurrevej 322 | DK-3000 Elsinore | Tel.: +45 49 29 91 02 (Tuesdays 6 pm - 8 pm)